Paint Brush - Painting Competition
Venue: Club House, Technopark
Date & Time: Saturday, 11-Jan-2025, 9.00 am - 01.00 pm
General Rules:
- Painting Competition open only for the kids of Technopark employees.
- Age groups 3-5, 6-8, 9-11 and 12-15
- Participants should carry their own drawing kits, Natana will provide the drawing sheets.
- The total duration of the painting competition for all categories is 1 hour.
- For the age group 3-5, an outline drawing sheet will be provided to the participants to color.
Medium to be used: Crayons / Color Pencil - For the age group 6-8, participants can choose any theme for painting.
Medium to be used: Water Color / Poster Color - For age group 9-11 and 12-15, Competition will be theme-based. Theme will be provided by Natana on the starting of competition.
Medium to be used: Water Color / Poster Color - Participants should mandatorily carry their school ID card and accompanying parents should carry their company ID card.
- Judges’ decision will be final. Natana reserves the right to interpret/modify the rules as appropriate.
Reporting Date & Time: 11-Jan-2025, 08.30 AM
Contact Person:
Please get in touch with Arun (+91 9995850250) / Priyanka (+91 97785 00469) for any clarifications regarding the painting competition.
Event Date & Location:
Saturday, 11-Jan-2025, 9.00 AM - 01.00 PM | Club House, Technopark
Fancy Dress Competition
Venue: Club House, Technopark
Date & Time: Saturday, 11-Jan-2025, 3.00 pm - 05.30 pm
Theme: Open
Category 1: Age Group 4-5 Years
Category 2: Age Group 6-8 Years
Category 3: Age Group 9-11 Years
General Rules:
- Maximum time allotted for the performance is up to 1 minute.
- Participant should directly enter the stage without any support from a third person.
- Participant should give a short introduction/ narration about the character.
- Only background music will be allowed. Videos will not be allowed in the backdrop.
- Do not use explosive, sharp items, banners and backdrops etc. as props. Stage setting will also not be allowed.
- No religious deity to be enacted and do not hurt the sentiments of any religion, culture or nationality.
- Only positive social themes can be presented. Care should be taken not to present any Religious/political/controversial themes.
- If a participant does not report even after 3 calls, he/she will not be evaluated but can be allowed to perform if interested.
- Backdrops, stage settings, banners or oversized props will not be allowed. Curtains and event banner should not be hidden.
- Only props relevant to the event will be allowed. (unless otherwise mentioned in the specific rules of that particular event) Violation of this might lead to disqualification. In case of any queries please contact the event coordinators.
- Change in any of the current rules that may be incorporated at a later stage will be intimated to the participants as and when required.
- Organiser’s and judge’s decision will be final and binding.
Judging Criteria (Total 100 Marks - 20 Marks for each criteria):
- Theme
- Costume
- Creativity
- Presentation (Introduction/ Narration about the character)
- Expression
Reporting Date & Time: 11-Jan-2025, 02.30 PM
Contact Person:
Please get in touch with Arun (+91 9995850250) / Priyanka (+91 97785 00469) for any clarifications regarding the painting competition.
Event Date & Location:
Saturday, 11-Jan-2025, 3.00 PM - 05.30 PM | Club House, Technopark